Günter Raphael, Composer (1903-1960). Celebrated, outlawed - forgotten?
Should not now be the time to discover Günter Raphael's compositions? Here you can find all information concerning him! (Biography, List of Works, Discography etc.)
Biography Günter Raphael
Compositional Style Günter Raphael
List of Works Günter Raphael
Revisions/Editions Günter Raphael
Diskography Günter Raphael
Bibliography Günter Raphael
composition, composer, biography, Raphael, piano, musician, Requiem, 12-note, Straube, Furtwängler, organ, chromatic, ostinati, sonata, op., symphonic, choir, music, chamber music, sacred music, violin, Piano, Thomaskantor, Twelvetone, 12-tone, Orchestra, a capella, a cappella, Becker, Kaiser Wilhelm, Straube, Furtwängler, Busch Quartet, Chambermusic, Music, Choir, Vocal, Chorus, Goethe, Morgenstern, Ringelnatz, Church, Komposition, Komponist, komponieren, Raphael, Pianist, Thomaskantor, Berufsverbot, NS-Zeit, Zwölfton, 12-Ton, Orchester, a capella, a cappella, Becker, Kaiser Wilhelm, Straube, Furtwängler, Busch Quartett, Kammermusik, Chor, Kirchenmusik, Chorus, Goethe, Morgenstern, Ringelnatz, Volkslied, Orchesterwerke, Konzerte, Klavier, Klaviere, Toccata, Orgel, Choral, Violine, Viola, Cello, Solo, Violoncello, Flöte, Klarinette, Oboe, Altsaxophon, Kammermusik, Gesang, RequiemRaphael, Pianist, Requiem, Partitur, Chor, Straube, Furtwängler, Orgel, Chromatik, Ostinati, Sonate, Chormusik, Musik, Tonalität, Polyphonie, Melodik, Kammermusik"