27.01.2010, 5:00 pm, Kammermusiksaal HMT Rostock
Concert and historical discussion on the commemoration day fort he victims of National Socialism.
Within the framework of this event, the violinist Pauline Reguig performed Günter Raphael’s Sonatine op. 52 for Violin and Piano. |
New CD:
The clarinettist Dirk Schultheiß and the Telos ensemble have released a CD under the label telos music records with chamber music works by Günter Raphael.
The following works can be heard:
The clarinet quintet in F major Opus 4 (1924)
Sonatine for clarinet and piano Opus 65 No. 3 (1948)
Two Romances for clarinet and piano (1923)
Trio for clarinet, cello and piano Opus 70 (1950)
Order number: TLS 058
Both of the Romances, composed in 1923, had not been recorded before and had just been granted permission for release by Christine Raphael herself. It has been planned to release this particular work for printing. The original existing version is for viola and piano.
Another CD has been recorded under the label NEOS Music mbH:
The CD’s title:
Keepsake of Modern Age – forgotten modern works
Julie Rebecca Adler, Viola & Thomas Ruge, Cello are heard performing:
Duo in A minor for viola and cello Opus 47 No. 4 (1941) from Günter Raphael along with other works for this instrumentation. These include compositions by Otto Siegl, Rebecca Clarke, Paul Hindemith, Sigmund Schul , Darius Milhaud and an arrangement by Witold Lutoslawski.
Order number: NEOS 10805
New CD:
Under the title “Frohlocket!”
A CD with Advent and Christmas music has been produced with the title “Frohlocket!” by the Vocal consort Leipzig under their conductor Gregor Meyer. Since the 2007/2008 season he has also been appointed principal conductor of the Gewandhaus choir.
Along with works, amongst others, by Mendelssohn Bartoldy, Brahms and Reger, Günter Raphael’s “Maria durch ein Dornwald ging” can be heard.
The CD was produced under the label “Querstand” VKJK 0707
New CD:
Leopold Stokowski in Germany Munich 1951/Hamburg 1952
TAHRA TAH 485-486 2 CDs harmonia mundi distribution
CD 2: G. Raphael Jabonah op. 66 Orchestral version
+ P. Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 5 in E minor
NWDR Orchestra, Stokowski
Live recorded 7.VII.1952
(CD 1: Works by J. Brahms, H. Berlioz and M. de Falla
Bavarian RSO, Stokowski)
Memorial Grave for Guenter Raphael in Meiningen
Guenter Raphael was interned on July 20th 2005 at the Waldfriedhof in
Meiningen alongside his wife Pauline, who died in 2002.
At the time of the Festival concert during the Raphael year of 2003
the mayor of Meiningen Reinhard Kupietz and Guenter Raphael's daughters
agreed that his grave along with his wife should be moved to Meiningen.
This plan was supported by Mrs. Dana Kern, Kuratorium of the Kulturstadt
Meiningen, and from Mrs. Maren Goltz from the Meiningen museums. Meiningen's
city council gave the go ahead in the spring of 2005.
A reburial to Berlin took place in 2012 (see above). |
Recital Aula University Herford (Westfalia) 25th April 2005 8.00 p.m.
Christine Raphael - Violin
Gotthard Kladetzky - Piano
will perform the Sonate opus 12/1 and Jabonah opus 66a by Günter Raphael
along with works from Schubert, Debussy and Suk.
The pianist Peter Backhaus performed Günter Raphael's sonata opus
38 Nr.2 in E-flat major in a concert featuring works by Jewish composers on the
November 7th 2004 in the Schlosskirche in Meiningen.
The flautist Wally Hase, who has been Professor for flute in Weimar since
the year 2000, performed Günter Raphael's solo sonata for flute opus 46 Nr.1
in F-sharp minor on September 22nd 2004 during a concert series "Verfemte
Musik" in Schwerin. She wrote a letter to Christine Raphael expressing
her enthusiasm about the new addition to the repertoire.
Professor Kolja Lessing and the pianist Markus Tomas recorded on
July 19th and 20th 2004, amongst other pieces, both of the opus 12 sonatas for
violin and piano from Günter Raphael for MDR Leipzig.
On October 2nd 2004 at 2.15 pm, the Netherlands Radio Choir (Groot Omroepkoor)
will be performing the chorale partita "Was mein Gott will, das gescheh allzeit" and
will conclude the program with "Das Glaubensbekenntnis". Both
works will be Dutch premières. They are to be conducted by Simon Halsey,
who is their chief conductor.
Along with works from Günter Raphael there will be performances of
pieces by Johannes Brahms, J.S.Bach, Hans Gál, Felix Mendelssohn
und Heinrich Schütz.
The concert will be broadcast by Nederlands Radio 4. |
New CD:
The Dresdner Motettenchor (motet choir) conducted by Matthias Jung
released, in time for Christmas 2003, a superb first recording of the "Advents-
und Weihnachtsliedsätze (1949)" under the label Cantate C 58019.
The recordings were made in the Dreikönigskirche Dresden in January/February
The MDR (Central German Radio) recorded a studio production of Günter Raphael's
Third Symphony in F op. 60 with the MDR Symphony Orchestra conducted by Matthias
The recording engineer was Mathias Berendt.
The symphony was broadcast for the first time on Monday, December 1st 2003 at
8 pm on MDR-Kultur following a weekend where the major topic dealt with the expulsion
of jewish artists from Germany 70 years ago. The title of the program was "Music
from an internal and external immigration".
The Sonate for Alto Saxophone and Piano in E-flat (1957) by Günter Raphael
is the compulsory work for the Gustav Bumcke Saxophone Competition, which will
be held at the UdK (Art University) Berlin on April 17th and 18th 2004. This arose
from the intiative (amongst others ) of the saxophonist Johannes Ernst of Berlin.
Gabriele Roterberg-Becker from Lübeck, a member of the European String
Teachers Association, gave a lecture to commemorate Günter Raphael's 100th
birthday at their 2003 annual congress in the Evangelical Academy Hofgeismar on
October 18th 2003.
She presented the life and work of the composer, who unjustly sank into oblivion
as a result of the ruling Nationalsocialists.
Special attention was drawn at the congress to the concert works, with particular
focus on the string compositions. Raphael's versatility and compositional ability
was made clear, impressively correcting the widespread notion of him being a mainly
sacred composer.
Frau Roterberg performed herself, as a violinist, the Sonatine op. 52, that she
had also performed during the final concert for the Raphael Year on November 9th
in Meiningen.
The lecture was received with considerable recognition and interest.
-> Lecture (pdf-file)
Frau Roterberg-Becker is the daughter of Dr. Max Roterberg, who was one of Günter
Raphael's best friends from Meiningen. There is detailed correspondance in exist.
Concerts commemorating Günter
Raphael's 100th birthday
September – December 2003:
14. September Christuskirche Buer-Beckhausen und
5. Oktober Gustav-Adolf-Haus Essen-Margaretenhöhe:
Programm: Motette Komm, heiliger Geist, erfülle die Herzen (1927)
Trio (B-Dur) für Flöte, Violine und Bratsche op.48 (1940)
2 Geistliche Lieder (1938)
2 Hesse-Gedichte (1951)
5 Spruchmotetten (1953)
Petra Simiantkowsky - Sopran, Anne Lötte - Alt, Carsten Hein - Tenor,
Heyno Kattenstedt - Bass und Leitung, Christina Wienroth - Klavier, Orgel
Gelsenkirchener Kirchentrio: Heidemarie Kuhs - Flöte, Eli Milkov-Georgieva
Violine, Maren Westermann - Viola.
2. November Duisburg – Pauluskirche (G.Raphael war hier Kantor
von 1954-56)
Duo für Geige und Bratsche op.47 nr.2
Sonate für Violine Solo E-Dur op. 12 Nr.1
Sonate für Violine und Orgel op. 36
Christine Raphael – Violine, Fredrik Pachla – Viola
Markus Strümpe – Orgel
22. November Stadtkirche St.Peter zu Sonneberg
Konzert für Orgel und Orchester op.57 (1936)
Werner Koch - Neubrandenburg – Orgel
Orchester der Jenaer Philharmonie, Leitung Jan-Martin Drafehn
25. November Dom St. Nikolai Greifswald
Komponistenportrait Günter Raphael
Variationen über den Basso Continuo von J.S.Bachs Orgelchoral
"Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt" op.27 Nr.2
Psalm 126 op,56 Nr.1
Sonate d-moll für Violoncello und Orgel (1937)
Drei geistliche Gesänge op. 31
D a s G l a u b e n s b e k e n n t n i s
"Wie soll ich dich empfangen" Choral für 3 Trompeten und 3 Posaunen
"Maria durch ein Dornwald ging" (ohne Jahr)
J a b o n a h op.66 für großes Orchester
Mechthild Stephan – Sopran
Ulrike Weber – Violoncello
Kammerchor des Institutes für Kirchenmusik und Musikwissenschaft
Leitung, Orgel, Klavier: KMD Prof. Jochen A. Modeß
9. Dezember Leipzig Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix
Klavierquintett fis-moll op. 6 1.Satz
Christiane Neumann, Klavier
Adelaide-Quartett (Theresia Vit, Ricard Exner, Helene Schütz, Dorothea Vit)
Sonate für Oboe und Klavier h-moll op. 32
Yumie Urata – Oboe, Hyan-Jin Yoo Klavier
Palmström Sonate op. 69
Matthias Schubotz – Tenor, Moritz Caffier –Klavier, Carlo Queitsch
– Schlagbass,
Anne-Katrin Michold – Violine, Sonja Riedel – Klarinette, Martin Ruda
Solosonate für Bratsche e-moll op. 46 Nr.4
Christian Götz – Viola
Sinfonische Fantasie op. 59 für Solovioline und Kammerorchester
Christine Raphael –Violine
Mitglieder des Gewandhausorchesters
Dirigent: Henrik Hochschild
Moderation Dr. Martin Krumbiegel
The 100th birthday was used in many Special Periodicals to pay tribute
the composer Günter Raphael:
"Glaube und Heimat" Weimar
(Michael von Hintzenstern, Issue number 17, 27.4.03).
"Cantate" , Choral magazine
(Guido Krawinkel, Issue 2/03 ).
"Forum Kirchenmusik", a special magazine for church musicians
(Prof. Dr. Matthias Herrmann, Issue 4/03 August).
The magazine "Triangel" - MDR Kultur
(Jan Dvoràk, April 2003)
The "Meininger Tagblatt" released, along with a report of
the festive event
on April 30th 2003 in Meiningen, a photo of the official speakers, the
guests of honour, and the soloists.

From left to right:
Prof.Dr. Matthias Herrmann, the Mayor Reinhard Kupietz, Landtags president and
patroness of the Raphael Year 2003 Christine Lieberknecht, Raphael's daughters
Christine (Violin Soloist) and Dagmar (with 2 daughters), Meiningen's honorary
citizen Dr. Paul Österreicher and Stadtkantor Christian Glöckner.
(Photo Ralph W.Meyer)
Das Trio Magonza with Kerstin Grötsch, Clarinet, Alexander Hülshoff,
Violoncello and
Babette Dorn, Piano have performed recently and in numerous concerts the Clarinet
Trio op. 70, (i.e.Villa Musica Trier).
A performance was recorded by the SWR (South West German Radio). The Trio was
enthusiastically received by the artists and audience.
The following radio broadcasts are planned for
Günter Raphael’s 100th birthday:
MDR (Middle German Radio):
April 30th 2003 8.00-9.00 PM
MDR Kultur (Culture)
Program „Profile“ : Der Komponist Günter Raphael - Zum 100.Geburtstag
(The composer
Günter Raphael - celebrating his hundreth birthday)
Author Prof. Dr. Herrmann, Dresden.
WDR (West German Radio)/WDR 3:
May 4th 2003 10.00-11.00 PM
Palmström-Sonate op 69, Concertino for Alto Saxophone op 71,
Jabonah op.66a for Violin and Piano, Sinfonische Fantasie op.59 for
Solo Violin and String Orchestra
SFB (Berlin Radio):
June 15th 2003 Sonntagskonzert RADIOkultur
4th Symphony (Berlin Phil.,conductor: Sergiu Celibidache)
The city of Meiningen celebrates 2003 as "Raphael-Year"
In collaboration with the cultural organisations and the Meiningen department
of culture, the Meiningen Theatre has brought out a comprehensive program. (editor:
Jan Dvorák)
It includes a tribute from the patroness Christine Lieberknecht, president of
the Thüringer Landtag, and from the Mayor of Meiningen, Reinhard Kupitz,
along with very informative texts and documents. All in all seven concerts will
take place. They are distributed throughout the year and end on November 9th,
the 65th anniversary of the Reichsprogromnacht.
The festive event on April 30th, with speeches by Prof. Dr. Matthias Herrmann,
Reverend Dr.Paul Oestreicher, Brighton, (honorary citizen of Meiningen), and patroness
Christine Liebknecht, president of the Thüringer Landtag, will include performances
by Christine Raphael,Violin, and Christian Glöckner, Organ. |
The Iturriaga Quartet from Leipzig
has had Günter Raphael’s String Quartet Nr. 2 in C Major opus 9 for
quite some time in their repertoire, and has made numerous performances and studio
recordings of it. They were encouraged by one of their earlier teachers, Prof.
Kolja Lessing, whose concert programs frequently include Günter Raphael’s
works and those of his contemporaries. |
On May 30th 2002, a memorial tablet was unveiled in Schwägrischen Straße
Nr.11 (Stadtpalais) in Leipzig with the following inscription:
Hier lebte von 1926 – 1934 der Komponist Günter Raphael (1903-1960)
(The composer Günter Raphael 1903-1960 lived here from 1926 to 1934).
On this occasion of the unveiling his descendents were present, as shown in
the pictures.
Illustration I :
C h r i s t i n e R a p h a e l (daughter and violinist), with the Rektor of the
Hochschule für Musik "Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy" Leipzig, unveils the tablet. |
Illustration II:
Above, left to right: Camilo Pieschacon jun., Dagmar Pieschacon-Raphael (daughter
of the composer), Gabriele Pieschacon and Camilo Pieschacon senior.
Below, seated: Christine Raphael. |
The festive ceremony began with a performance of the cadenza from the first
movement of the
2nd violin concerto. This work was performed by Christine Raphael in the exquisite
built in art nouveau/classicism style, of the renovated Stadtpalais.